Bowlegs is a condition in which the knees stay wide apart when a person stands with the feet and ankles together. It is consindered normal in children under 18 months.
Genu varum
Infants are born bowlegged because of their folded position in the mother's womb. Bowed legs begin to straighten once the child starts to walk and the legs begin to bear weight (about 12 to 18 months old).
By around age 3, the child can usually stand with the ankles apart and the knees just touching. If the bowed legs are still present, the child is called bowlegged.
Bowlegs may be caused by illnesses such as:
A doctor can often diagnose bowlegs by simply looking at the child. The distance between the knees is measured while the child is lying on the back.
Blood tests may be needed to rule out rickets.
X-rays may be needed if:
No treatment is recommended for bowlegs unless the condition is extreme. The child should be seen by the health care provider at least every 6 months.
If the condition is severe or the child also has another disease, special shoes, braces, or casts can be tried. It is unclear how well these work.
At times, surgery is performed to correct the deformity in an adolescent with severe bowlegs.
In many cases the outcome is good, and there is usually no problem walking.
Bowlegs that does not go away and is not treated may lead to arthritis in the knees or hips over time.
Call your health care provider if your child shows persistent or worsening bowed legs after age 3.
There is no known way to prevent bowlegs, other than to avoid rickets. Make sure your child has normal exposure to sunlight and appropriate levels of vitamin D in the diet.
Canale ST. Osteochondrosis or epiphysitis and other miscellaneous affections. In: Canale ST, Beatty JH, eds. Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. 11th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2007:chap 29.
Wells K, Sehgal K. Coronal Plane Deformities. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 19th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 667.4.